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Droid Day is Almost Here!

Are you as excited as I am about the Droid?
GREAT! The marketing team did their job.
Do you know any of the specs on the phone that you're about to plop down $199 for (after the mail-in-rebate)?
No? Fabulous!

Well, here is some info on the Droid. The non-iPhone that has spent more money saying what it doesn't do versus what it does. Hey, it's pretty genius if you think about it. Consumers dig the whole comfort level thing. We all have the product recognition of the iPhone, so why not attack the device that everyone is already talking about?

Don't get me wrong, if the iPhone had been on Verizon, I would have had a big glass of that Kool-aid when it was first released. However, Apple either did not believe just how unbelievably loyal people are to Verizon - or they just didn't care! They were enjoying their absurd share of the profits.

I definitely dig that the Droid does not have a touch screen. After the disaster aka the LG Voyager's touch screen died on me, it's been truly a delight having to flip open my phone for full function. It's like having just what you need out of reach at every moment in life. Yay!

I'm curious to see about their app selection, as it is obviously not done with iTunes. From a programming standpoint too, I am curious as far as their general feel - if someone from Verizon is reading this and wants to send me a free Droid, I will gladly review it!!

Click here for some of the specs.

Mashable also did a great comparison chart - click here.

References (2)

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    Droid Day is Almost Here! - Home - Talk Nerdy To Me Lover
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    Response: live und nackt
    Droid Day is Almost Here! - Home - Talk Nerdy To Me Lover

Reader Comments (1)

Not bad, but the Droid OS is basically linux, and linux is just as vulnerable if not more than Windows, contrary to popular belief. Just watch War Games, with war dialers hackers had their fun with Unix servers long before windows existed. Even during "sneaker net" they had to worry about that sort of thing. At least with windows there are free tools to remove virii, with linux/bsd/unix they either cost a bit of money or you just reinstall, especially rootkits. Rootkits, even for a professional, are easiest dealt with by a reinstall after wiping the drive. However, Google is a good company, perhaps they addressed that but I've even been hacked in Fedora 11, and it has SELinux, or Security Enhanced Linux with specs made by the NSA. Don't listen to people that say there are more virii for windows. There are an unbelievable amount for linux as well, and BSD. Truthfully, FreeBSD, OpenBSd (the most secure) and NetBSD are the most secure, but now Win7 and Mac OS X leopard are right up there. My big concern is a firewall at the very least. Win mobile users are complacent, thinking, hey, it's just a phone. I've got antivirus and a firewall on mine. Even years back people were getting nailed on those JAVA OS phones, so something as powerful as a Droid, Win Mobile, Palm Pre, iPhone (which I hear has no security at all) are pretty vulnerable. Your contacts could be deleted/stolen, financial info, basic all around ID Theft. Oh, and since your phone knows where you are, even without GPS, the triangulation of the cell towers, any weirdo that truly wants to stalk someone, has it made. You should check out, I've been invited by local hackers there, but be forewarned, Feds are there both taking names and recruiting, but there's a symbiosis. A reporter was chased out of Defcon for interfering with that. It was even caught on video. Not like you're a reporter but be careful what you talk about, it's like Vegas, and IN Vegas so some things are best left unsaid. Still, I think it could be a good phone, looks very nice. I am on Cable Internet. I'd get DSL if I had the chance. The thing about Cable internet is on the node, you're open to anyone else using that service in your neighborhood. Turning off File and Print sharing only helps a bit. With DSL, you have a direct line to the Central Office of the Phone/DSL provider so it's more secure than Cable. Plus with Cable, if someone is downloading movies 24/7, the whole node in that spot suffers. A really big pain. But yeah, this looks like a great phone. There is some pretty decent software for open source/android right now, and I'd love to see one of these in person. I'm going to check out their website. Thanks!

November 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDenebola Zen Photo

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